Phd Business This program focuses on decision sciences, organizational, human and natural resources management with special attention to the methodology used in the behavioral approach to economic studies. Such an approach increasingly adopted to generate predictions about the market dynamics, particularly in finance, natural resources and tourism, and consumption, and design organizations and institutions.
PhD in Regional Development and Global Dynamics (4 scholarships)
This Phd Business program focuses on theoretical knowledge of the new characteristics of regional development in the context of global society and in the process through which knowledge appears to be new global codified re contextualized and combined with local specificity. Since researching in all areas of development requires mastering the complexity of subjects that range over vast areas, the first year of this program has a clear interdisciplinary character, while further enabling students to acquire research skills specifically chosen their major, also at several partner universities.
Phd Business in Sociology and Social Research (9 scholarship)
This program has a long tradition of empirical research that emphasizes the theoretical information. During the program, students will learn how to systematically combine theoretical reflection with empirical research qualitative and quantitative. For this purpose, it provides an in-depth study of sociological theory by direct and detailed comparison of classical texts and contemporary debates, as well as by the level of professional teaching social science research methodology and techniques of primary research and empirical analysis.
All Phd Business courses conducted in English and will be taught by university faculty members of the multi-national. No tuition is charged and scholarship sufficient to cover living expenses in Trento. Scholarships will be increased by 50% for the period spent in formal study abroad.
Application Deadline: June 6, 2011
For application forms and further information, please consult our website, or write to: Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Trento, via Verdi 26, I-38122 Trento, Italy, Email : school.socialsciences [at]
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